Now before I offend anyone, let me quickly say, I am not one of those "those who can't, teach" people. I believe that teachers are the most under-appreciated and underpaid professionals out there, with the most difficult and important job on the planet. My children have had wonderful teachers in St. Tammany Parish, and I am very grateful for all that they do. It's just clear to me that I was never meant to be a teacher. I loved my students. I enjoyed the yearbook and newspaper especially, but I knew that teaching was not my calling.
I left the teaching world when I had my children, and my writing remained on hold while I played mom. Sure, I would occasionally bang something out on my Macintosh Classic, but the words would stay locked in that little machine where only I could read them. The old Mac was destroyed when we moved from Chicago back to New Orleans, and whatever I wrote during those years went with it to electronics heaven. I will always regret not printing out a copy of the story I wrote about our move from Mandeville to Chicago...a riveting tale of out-of-control pets, a raging blizzard, fireworks, and excessive vomit, among other treacherous and disgusting things. Not funny at the time, but hilarious in retrospect.
As my children entered school and established little lives of their own, I still had the desire to write, but my fear got the best of me. I ignored the call and threw myself into my part-time jobs...teaching fitness classes and summarizing records for an attorney. Yes, the summarizing job was technically a writing job, but there was no creativity involved. It didn't scratch the writing itch, but it wasn't scary either, as I was simply making someone else's words sound a little more polished. No risk involved, whatsoever. Throughout the years, my husband and a few others would suggest that I try my hand at writing (pun intended), but I would dismiss them with a promise that I would give it a shot someday, even though I doubted that "someday" would ever come. It was a phone conversation with my dad a couple of years ago that finally got my attention. He told me that he knew I would write something someday, even if it wasn't in his lifetime. I looked at my situation from a parent's perspective, and I realized that it would break my heart a little if my children had dreams that died because they were too afraid to pursue them. For the first time, I actually began to give writing some serious thought. I still wasn't ready to put myself out there, but the wheels were turning.
With my dad |
About six months ago, someone that didn't know me well but knew my story, fears included, told me, not that I should write, but that I needed to write. There was something about a virtual stranger, someone in no way connected to me or my issues, suggesting this that finally got through to me. She suggested that I start a blog. She got me to understand that it didn't really matter if two people or two thousand people read writing would simply be an outlet for me. With her prodding and lots of encouragement from my husband, I wrote my first article in April of this year. It was both exhilarating and terrifying when I clicked the "publish" icon. There was no turning back. Well, there was "delete," but I'm going for drama here. Much to my surprise, people aside from my immediate family actually read my story. I didn't have an enormous audience, but along with my family members, some friends and even a few strangers checked out that first entry. It was exciting, and it made me want to do it again. A few more articles followed, and after taking most of the summer off, I discovered that I missed it, and I was ready to make it a more regular part of my week. I had never reached quite as many readers as I had with my first article, but I continued to have a small but steady stream of people who checked out what I had to say, and that was good enough. I made a deal with myself that I would continue to write, even if the only readers I had were named Clements or Simons.
My most recent entry was a little story about meeting Rick Springfield at the Joy Theater in New Orleans, a 30-years-in-the-making, dream-comes-true story. It was an extremely easy story to write because I was so passionate about the topic. At the suggestion of a friend, I sent the article to Rick Springfield's fan page on Facebook. Assuming that nothing would come of it, I sat down on my couch and looked at my blog stats, noting that roughly fifty people had viewed my story. No surprise there. The couch was pretty comfy, and an "accidental nap" ensued. (I'm not sure why I continue to call those little naps accidental because I'm very aware of what is going to happen when I sit still for any length of daily 4:30 a.m. alarm is brutal.) When I woke up an hour later with my computer still next to me, I glanced at the stats. More than 1600 views? Something had to be wrong. There appeared to be comments, too, which was equally surprising. In all of my previous entries combined, I had a total of six comments, and half of those were responses from me! I read one comment from a lady who said she had been directed to my page through Rick Springfield's fan page. I had to look for myself, and there it was...the link to my blog. I went back to my stats...100 more views in just a matter of minutes. The story seemed to have struck a chord with fellow forty-somethings who shared my love for Rick. Throughout the evening the number of views continued to climb. By the time I went to bed, over 5000 Rick fanatics had checked out my blog.
While I realize 5000 views is small potatoes, for someone whose largest audience prior to this had been 183 readers (and let's face it, all but two or three of those were friends and family), it felt like the world. I had found a little audience that had connected with my story, several telling me it felt like they could have written it themselves. I had some haters, too. One reader told me I was full of myself and another called me mean. Real writers sometimes offend people...right? I read and answered every comment, and I am sure I will reread them many times. It meant a lot that someone took the time to write something in response. I even apologized to the woman who called me mean. (Not to the other one, though. I found her really uptight...and she made a crack about my shoes!) Overall, I was thrilled and completely overwhelmed by what had happened with my little blog.
The numbers continued to increase the following day, though at a much slower pace. When the article reached somewhere near 7000 readers, it appeared to have run its course. I knew my two minutes of fame (it wasn't even close to a being a big enough deal to call it fifteen) were up, and that was ok. It was enough that for 24 hours, people that didn't know me and who didn't feel obligated to read my work actually read it. For 24 hours I was a real writer. My daughter told me I might be a one-hit wonder, referencing a line from the Rick Springfield article. If that's what I am, I'll take it. I don't mind being Men Without Hats or The Knack, or even Dexy's Midnight Runners. (I really hope I'm slightly better than the Baha Men or Vanilla Ice, though.) And I'll continue to write for myself and for anyone else who chooses to stop by and read. I plan to get back to writing about New Orleans, the city I love more than any other. It's not Paris, but I think it's no coincidence that I'm just a bridge away from the French Quarter.
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Cat on a French Quarter balcony |
Royal Street |
Family...even at an arms length...are considered readers, who by that very act, show you have an audience worth writing for. Through your writing, it is possible, and quite plausible, that you may inspire someone who may be more of the poetic persuasion, to follow their own personal search for a voice....
ReplyDeleteIn other words...Great job Julie and while not technically a Clements I am. SMITH and therefore family....thanks for the inspirations!
Hey Melissa! Nice to hear from you! Thanks for being one of the family readers. And if you want to write, I say go for it! Have a great weekend!
DeleteKeep it up Julie! I really enjoyed this one too. You have a style that is very easy to relax into and identify with you. I have to tell you, I read everything you write about NOLA and, as strange as it may sound, I'm actually hesitant to visit. I've never been, but now have such high expectations because of your vivid writings, it's bound to be a disappointment. I look forward to your next entry. Expect me to continue to share it on my page as well.
ReplyDeleteYou should come to NOLA sometime. I'll give you the insider tips. :) I really appreciate you sharing my stuff...means a lot!
DeleteI have said it before, and will say it again, thank you. Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration to get into shape, to see the beauty of the place you live, and to not forget about your dreams, no matter the fear you have of that dream. As Texazona said, your writing style is easy to identify with you. You don't just tell the story, you bring the reader to the scene. I am so glad that you started this blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you anonymous reader. :) I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Have a great weekend!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletefortunately or unfortunately... i consider myself a friend. fortunate for me, in that i find you to be a wonderful person... unfortunatley for you, as I'm not adding much to that "other than family or friends" reader group. However, know that I enjoy your work. I was reading this and thinking about my life. much of my life, i've spent thinking about what I'll be when i grow up... and now that i'm approaching 50 (wow... how did THAT happen)... I find myself reading this particular blog with a thought of doing something similar. I have always wanted to be a musician, songwriter, writer, actor, director... wow... i've even considered (in my head... not enough nerve to actively pursue it) a radio dj... or a tv personality. funny... i've thought about writing a book for years, and in my youth even had an idea for a Hardy Boys'-esque novel that i never pursued. i've written several songs over the years... i've performed on stage as a musician as well as an actor... i've created a few different video production efforts... nothing professional... but fun. the whole reason for this now growing reply... was to say... you are inspiring me to want to do more with that part of my life. it would be tragic to come to the end of it with regret for what i could have done... but failed to even try... out of fear. please keep writing... you have a growing audience that enjoys your work.
ReplyDeleteJeff, friends and family are the readers I most cherish. It's cool to have strangers reading, but you guys are special. I completely understand where you're coming from. I have run from what I wanted to do for so long. I always had the "why would anyone want to read what I have to say?" mentality. And I guess what I finally decided was, so what if they don't want to? Writing still makes me feel happy and fulfilled, as I'm sure music does for you. By the way, when my siblings and I were very young, my dad left his job at a bank to pursue his dream of being a radio dj. He no longer does that, but 42-years later, he still broadcasts all the sporting events in my hometown, and he's great at it. As I posted earlier this week, "decide what to be and go be it." :) Have a great weekend, and thanks so much for reading and for commenting.
ReplyDeleteJulie, from the time I first saw you on facebook I have enjoyed reading your posts. I knew who you were back at HHS, but didn't really know you. I have enjoyed getting to know you on fb and now thru your blog. I always love reading your your posts on both and I would definitely buy that book you are going to write! Best of Luck!