Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thirty Minutes Under the Oaks

My feet and the most amazing oak tree.

I've been feeling somewhat uninspired in the writing department lately, so I decided to see if a change of scenery would work a little magic...or if not full-blown magic, at least clear my head and spark some new ideas. I jumped in my Jeep and headed to the lakefront and, you know, it's pretty hard not to feel inspired when this is your view. 

The Mandeville Lakefront...all calm waters, century-old oak trees, delicate Spanish moss...beautiful and unique to this area. I was here two days ago taking some sunset pictures, and that was when I realized that I don't spend enough time here. I can get from my house to the most picturesque place in town in eight minutes. I can stretch out beneath the mother of all oak trees (and I am while I'm writing this), and it doesn't cost me a penny. On perfect days like today, I can kick off my shoes and walk barefoot in the cool, perpetually-green, south Louisiana grass. I can watch spirited (and very noisy) squirrels chase each other around these enormous tree trunks. I can catch pieces of lively conversations as walkers pass by. I might even catch a glimpse of a sailboat or two. It's a little slice of paradise two miles from my door. I ask myself why I don't spend more time here, and I realize there is no good answer. Sure, I'm busy. We all are. But if I'm too busy to soak in a little nature, reflect on the things that matter to me, and maybe even write a few words, then I'm just too darn busy. 

So, I created my own little challenge for myself...to write for a minimum of thirty minutes every day, regardless of how much I have on my plate. (Don't worry...I won't post it all!) In a perfect world, I would always do my writing here, in these beautiful surroundings, but I know that that isn't likely to happen. Life (or weather) will get in my way, and I will find myself stuck in my house, which really isn't such a bad place to be. I do plan to come back here, or somewhere equally beautiful, at least twice a week because I think it will keep me motivated. And the distractions here are a lot more fun than laundry and bill paying. I can throw something on the Foreman grill if I get caught up in my writing and forget to make dinner. (Oh, who am I kidding...the Foreman grill is major cooking for me.) If my thirty minutes happen to come at a time that my family is home, I know they can survive without me. Odds are they will find me a lot more pleasant once I've had a chance to recharge. 

I'm excited about this undertaking, and I challenge you to join me. Carve out thirty minutes each day to do something just for you in a place that makes you smile...or breathe a little more deeply...or sigh in a good way. Let's see where it takes us. :)

Lake Pontchartrain at sunset. 

*I should add that I am having oral surgery tomorrow and will be heavily drugged. While I think this is a valid excuse for missing a writing day, if I should accidentally put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), and if I should, in my haze, think that I have written something post-worthy (which will, no doubt, be complete nonsense) please do not hold it against me. 

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